Wholesale Fine Coloured Gemstones - Rare Gemstones


Sphene Mixed Group


Lively & Unusual Stones from Madagascar & Zimbabwe

A brilliant and lively gemstone, rapidly growing in popularity.

Sphene, otherwise known as Titanite by mineralogists, could be referred to as a ‘rare’ gemstone as it is not widely known and infrequently seen on the market. While this gem has been found in various locations across the globe, gem-quality Sphene is relatively rare. We specialize in the finest gem-quality Sphene from Madagascar and Zimbabwe, with very high clarity, superb color, and beautiful cutting. Madagascar and Zimbabwe Sphene are available in a wide array of hues, from ‘chrome’ green, to golden yellow, to chestnut brown, and everything in between. But what makes Sphene so desirable is its incredibly high dispersion - higher than a diamond! A well-faceted Sphene is captivating, coming to life under direct light with multicolored ‘fire’, or dispersion. For jewelry use, it is most suitable for low impact or infrequently worn jewelry due to its relatively low hardness.

We specialize in clean and beautifully cut Sphene, recutting all our stones to maximize brilliance and dispersion. It is arguably one of the most lively colored gemstones on the market.


Species: Sphene, or ‘Titanite’

Colors: Yellow, Gold, Orange, Brown, Reddish Brown, Olive, Yellowish Green, Chartreuse, Apple Green, ‘Super’ or ‘Chrome’ Green

MOH’s Hardness: 5-5.5/10

Origins: Our Sphene is from Madagascar and Zimbabwe

Dispersion: 0.051 (Diamond is 0.044)

Refractive Index: 1.843-2.110

Accepted Treatments: None (Untreated)


Looking for something in particular?

Our Sphene


Below is a small sample selection of our beautifully recut, clean Sphene to show the range we deal in, originating from both Madagasgar and Zimbabwe. We have many more Sphene in stock, and some of the below may no longer be available. Please contact us for any inquiries.